
Slow Southern Update

I’m back from my vacation but brought back a nasty cold as a souvenir as a result of hiking in snow and changing climates so much. So instead of feverishly whipping up some new posts I’m taking today to put out a few reminders and inform y’all of some changes. Here they are, in no particular order.

1.  I’ve changed the commenting system to disqus, an easier way to use comments than the old blogger system. Additionally anyone can reply to comments so I’m thrilled that I can properly respond to them now as well.

2. If you haven’t updated your bookmarks to  yet then what are you waiting for? I made the switch back in September and so should you! The old blogspot URL still works and will redirect you to the current .com but takes longer to load.

3. If you are a fellow fashion blogger residing in the South I want to personally invite you to join the Southern Fashion Bloggers. It’s a fun little group that I started as a way to connect ladies and gents that live below the Mason Dixon line. Y’all may remember the group LBD post we did right before Christmas and I’m planning another one really soon! Join the group to keep up with our fun little projects.

4. Seems hard to believe that we are already 12 days into 2011. Time flies when you spend the first week of of year at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. That said one of my goals for this year is to have more posts from guest writers, especially those of y’all who live outside of Louisiana. If you have a favorite outfit to share, a shop to promote, or even a cool event coming up drop me a line at

5. As y’all may have noticed Slow Southern Style has a new photographer. Okay, not really but I did get a new camera for myself, the Canon S90, so I’m thrilled that better picture quality is on the horizon when I figure out how to work the damn thing.

Thanks for following and I hope y’all enjoyed the guest posts while I was away. If there is something you’d like to see for the new year on Slow Southern Style feel free to leave a comment here.
Twitter: slowsouthstyle Facebook: Slow Southern Style

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